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"Short Memory" de l'album "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" ... sorti en 1982. Un petit bijou de Midnight Oil ... passé inaperçu pour les 3/4 des gens, car sorti bien avant Beds Are Burning .


Conquistador of Mexico
The Zulu and the Navaho
The Belgians in the Congo, Short memory

Plantation in Virginia
The Raj in British India
The deadline in South Africa, Short memory

The story of El Salvador
The silence of Hiroshima
Destruction of Cambodia, short memory

Short memory, must have a, Short memory
Short memory, must have a, Short memory

The sight of hotels by the Nile,
The designated Hilton style
With running water specially bought, short memory

A smallish man Afghanistan
A watch dog in a nervous land
They're only there to lend a hand, short memory

The friendly five a dusty smile
Wake up in sweat at dead of night
And in the tents new rifles hey, short memory

Short memory, must have a, Short memory
Short memory, must have a, Short memory

If you read the history books you'll see the same things happen again and again
Repeat repeat short memory they've all got it
When are we going to play it again
Got a short, got a short, got a short, got a short
They've got a short must have a short they've got a short aah
Short memory, they've got a.

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Héhé. de même pour moi ^^
pas pire on fait parti du quart ! ;) ah espoir espoir ;) contente de t'avoir rencontrée Reine ;))